What is it and how do you do it?

What is Hash - A simple (but brilliant) YouTube video explaining Hash to a non-Hasher. Click on the following link to view a short animated YouTube video explaining: What is Hash ,or this one

If you have half a mind to join the Hash, that's all it takes, and let me tell you, some of us are way overqualified! If you have Hashed before you will know the format but for the newcomers and those with to few remaing brain cells, here's a quick rundown on what you can expect to happen.

On the designated evening the Hashers will usually gather at a local Pub, a park, in the bush or the home of a Hasher somewhere in the greater Port Stephens area. Hopefully you would have been previously notified of the venue by checking out the website, receiving a flyer, email, by word of mouth or desperately phoning someone minutes before. As everyone arrives it is a good time to chat to friends or meet new ones and perhaps even have a steadying ale. The "ON ON" is given by the Grand Master at approximately 6:00 p.m. so it is a good idea to arrive about 20 mins early to change and prepare for the worst.

The Hounds will gather in a pathetic milling group at the front of the venue as the Grand Master welcomes them and has the Hare/s provide you with guidance on the upcumming run.

A well set run will keep the pack close together but often this does not occur. Front runners should be calling "ON , ON" for the benefit of the slower runners and latecomers catching up. Every so often a Check will be held to allow the pack to regroup and the new direction of the trail to be found.

Typical runs are usually around 7-8 kilometres long and are designed to last about a full hour. However the pack have been known to be barely out of sight before they return or to arive home after a couple of hours on trail and many complaints. However these sort of runs are the exception. If a walkers' trail has been set it will generally be around 4-6 km long and designed to get the walking hashers back to the On-In at the same time as the runners.

As everyone starts arriving back at the On-In, revelries will commence with much socialising and testing of beverages. On occasion there might even be some snacks or sweets brought by errant hashers as 'Fines'.

The Circle
The main ceremonies will occur during the circle which usually commences around 7.30 PM. This is where the Hare/s are congratulated/punished for laying such a clean, mud-free and interesting trail - or not. It is also customary for the Grand Master to lead a session of community singing before awarding Down Downs for anyone deemed to have sinned, such as the heinous crime of turning up for a run with brand spanking new runners, defying Darwin's theory of natural selection by having yet another birthday, being a competitive bastard, further diluting the gene pool by having offspring and any trumped up charge that can be found etc etc!.
Catering / Hash Mash $$
An important part of setting a run is providing food for the runners. Catering typically will have to be provided in the bush, at a park with BBQs, at someones home, or at a pub. To assist with the costs, see the Hash Cash who will give the hare up to $100.00 towards providing the meal. This can be increased by arrangement for special occasions. The Hash Mash you provide only needs to be tasty and filling. Spaghetti Bolognese, stews, curries, hamburgers, sausages, hot dogs, etc all bulked out with bread, rice, pasta, salads, prawns, caviar, fillet steak etc can feed everyone and cost should be within the $100 budget. Some Hares don't mind spending a bit of their own cash to provide snacks, dessert, fuit etc but that is a personal choice.

Setting a Run from Home
This is a great option if you don't mind cars parked everywhere and a noisy mob of Hashers jammed into your garage / pergola / lounge room. Catering should be much easier - just cook your normal dinner and multiply by 40 - 60. If you have cranky neighbours it might be worth warning the GM or putting a sold sign out the front of your place.

More about Running a Trail
Hashing was invented in Malaysia in 1938 by a rather brilliant chap called Gispert, and spread like a crazy religion or new STD throughout the uncivilised world. The military and diplomatic corps were the primary culprits of this rapid spread.

People from all walks of life, drawn together by a passion for the outdoors and for drinking, ran together along a pre-laid trail, which ultimately led to the welcoming door of a pub, or the very least a venue or esky (chilli bin, cooler) with adequate supplies of thirst quenching beer. 

The trail is laid by people called Hares. Now all hares are Hashers but Hashers are not always Hares, though sometimes they might be. Got that? The trail is laid in such a way that those more able, ambitious, fit or just plain stupid people who storm ahead, are waylaid by false trails and check backs. These athletes often find themselves trailing the slower, more ovoid, lazier or just plain sensible people that were bringing up the rear, but now find themselves juxtaposed into the very position of leader they sought to avoid.

The trail can be marked in dots, except when it is marked in crosses, circles, arrows etc which are made from chalk, flour, paper, tape or all manner of other strange materials and hieroglyphs, and those that follow it keep a strict code of conduct, those that stray are punished by down-downs. Down-downs are speedily quaffed drinks and are very much at the heart of hashing, indeed many do not consider it a punishment at all.

Hash Terminology

Hash Term 
Meaning (Sometimes)
Are You? A plea for help. A Hound who is not on the trail and wants to know if anyone else is. The reply should be either CHECKING, LOOKING or ON ON. 

A cunning trap to put the hounds off the trail and slow them down, it also enables back runners to catch up. 
Down Down

The act of consuming a full tankard of beer in one or less gulps. If you do not get it down the balance should be poured over your head - or down your pants. Newcomers, leavers, celebrators, and anyone else who deserves it can be invited to do a down down.

Usually found after a check. A false trail can be of any length, depending on the level of nastiness of the hare. If you find it, go back to the check and look in another direction. Note: Falsies are seldom or never come across by the back runners, and are employed mainly to keep the FRBs from not getting to the beer too early.
Also known as front running bastards, they are those silly people who r*n on a hash.

The person who lays the trail. They are totally responsible for any cock-ups which occur and is therefore eligible to receive the hash-shit award.
The Hash treasurer who is usually BUSY financing his mistress, new car, next holiday etc etc ect with misappropriated Hash funds.
It’s usually an old hunting horn or military bugle used to rally the pack, also as directional pointer for the back markers. It may also be a rare occurrence for most Hashmen.
Hash MismanagementThe complete group of incompetents who are responsible for the order or disorder of the Hash.
Master (GM)
The senior member of the loud mouthed bunch of idiots who call themselves Hash mismanagement. In NBH3 the GM runs the Circle.
Also known as the Beer Meister. The person responsible for keeping the Hash supplied with ice cold piss every week.
This is the food that the Hare has arranged to go with your beer. This can vary from a veritable gastronomic feast to victuals that could not readily be described as animal, mineral or vegetable.
A good smash-up party, held as often as possible and up to 365 times a year.

Anyone who follows the Hash. They pay their weekly tithe - If they don’t - they have Hash Cash chasing them.
HWOD The term for Hashmen Without Dicks - our female Hashers, sometimes also referred to as Non Blokes or Harriettes
Looking A call that is made when the trail has been lost and the pack is searching for it. This is not used when you are on a check and are looking for new trail.
Called during the run when you are on the trail. The call assists the rear runners who may not be able to see the front runners but at least can hear them.
The venue where all the crates of amber throat charmer are consumed, and where the Grand Master comes into his own.
Religious Advisor (RA) The person who calls the circle to order and meets out punishments as appeals to his/her sense of humour/cruelty. 
SCB Short Cutting Bastard. To be a successful SCB requires great skill and cunning. A SCB has to try to make it appear that they have run the whole trail when in fact they have only done about half of it.
A weekly award made for some particularly nasty effort. It could be either good or bad. In NBH3, a bell known as the Prick Of The Week (POW)
A member of the mismanagement who tries to organise the hares and inform the other members of the date, venue and hare/s of upcumming runs.
A member of the mismanagement who keeps you abreast of the info you need to attend hash runs.  Sends out emails to neanderthals and compiles the NBH3 web site and updates. Also known as the Web Master.

Hash Trail Symbols, Markers and other Strange Hieroglyphics

Below are some of the marks that are often used by a Hare when laying a trail. Trail marks if used, are applied using various materials such as blackboard chalk of various types and colours, flour, toilet paper, tape, shredded paper and everybody's favourite, Gyprock.



This is a helpful mark, a definite trail, no checking required. May also consist of a blob of flour, shredded paper or tissue paper on bush trails, etc.



This is usually a Check - time to look for a new trail. Scout around in any direction, about 50 m at night or up to 100 m during daylight.


Circle With Arrows

Two or Three Way Check.
Just like a check but limited to the directions suggested by the arrows. Usually used when the Hare is feeling kind.



The end of a false trail. You've just run all this way for nothing. Go back to the last check and try again to find the real trail. False trails are used to wear out the fit and fast runners and allow the slower ones to catch up.


Line With Arrow(s) Facing Back

Check Back - look for a turn off between here and the last check.
A little bit like a false trail but not quite as mean.


Circle With H

Hash Halt - the Front Running Bastards (FRBs) should halt at this marker and allow the majority of slow runners to catch up. Sometime laid when the Hare knows the pack could really spread out or even get lost and he doesn't want to bother leaving his beer to go looking for them.


A Guide To The Laying Of Trails and Hash Etiquette

(with minor editorial changes}

In keeping with the original intentions of the Hash, there should be no rules as such. The following however, is a guide that accommodates an accent on healthy exercise whilst discouraging any sense of “athleticism or competitiveness". Each Hash has its own trail laying conventions and the following is a result of experience and advice of members originally from many other Hashes. 

Beginning at the beginning, there are one or two little “niceties” which must be observed. When bringing a guest you should ensure that he/she is introduced to the committee and particularly the Grand Master/Mistress BEFORE the run commences. Thereafter it is your responsibitity to ensure that the guest/newcomer completes the run without mishap.  

When taking on the responsibility of being a “hare* - and make no mistake it is a responsibility - you should recce your proposed trail at least twice and be certain of every detail before the date of the run. One of these recces should be at about the time of day during which the actual run will take place. The length of trail will vary considerably (generally between 6 and 10 kms) depending largely on the type of terrain over which the trail is laid. As a faily rough guide, if it takes two hours to walk the final trail, than it should be an hour run for the average hasher. An ideal trail keeps everybody together for most of the run and the whole pack should be back to the beer within no more than fifteen minutes of one another, with your slower runners being back in not much longer than one hour from the starting time. To overcome unforeseen difficulties and to ensure a run takes place, it is wise to enlist the aid of a co-hare. 

Now to the actual laying of the trail. The following points should be adhered to whenever possible: 

⦁ The trail can be marked with a number of different materials, chalk, four, lime. finely shredded paper and off-cuts of gyprock. (The last is a good marker on pavement.) The flour and lime trail markers are usually a BLOB while the chalk and gyprock marks are usually arrows. Arrows show the direction, blobs do not. The trail should be clearly marked at all points and should be uncomplicated for about the first kilometre at which paint you should lay your first check. This check should be a good one, designed to hold the pack for as long as possible in order that late comers can catch up. in addition to the first check an initial loop can help in this regard. At the check it is optional as to whether you write the word "check" in bold letters, inscnbe a large circle, or a combination of both when using chalk. When using flour enscribe a circle.

⦁ Remember your checks are designed to hold up the pack until all members of the run have reached that point before starting off on the next leg. In order to achieve this you may lay false trails from each checkpoint and an indication of possible trails can be shown if you wish. It is important to remember, however, that any trail, correct or False, should start within 100 metres in open country or on roads. 70 metres in semi-scrub, and 30 metres in thick scrub or at night. Three arrows and/or blobs of flour indicate that the particular trail is most definitely "ON". A false trail from a check can be marked across the trail although this is optional. The main thing to remember is that no false trail should have more that TWO trail markers, as  three markers denotes "ON ON". 

⦁ A good run should have at least six checks. If these checks are laid within the above code, then there should be no need to write "ON ON" although it is a good idea if only to jog the minds of the hounds thal they should he calling this once they have found the correct trail. If another Hash has run in ihe same area recently it is advisable to indicate NBH3 beside the occasional arrow or use a different colour marking to that used by the other Hash. 

⦁ When laying the trail each marker should not be more than 25 metres fram the last and preferably closer in rough or scrub country. This should be adhered to as closely as possible in order that the hounds can be fairly certain when they have run out of trail. It is quite legitimate to make a sudden left or right turn from a comparatively straight trail without indicating such and the hounds should realise they have over-run the trail when the last mark was some 35 metres or more back. Remember arrows show direction of traits, blobs do not. only that the trail is "ON". The only time that it is essential to write "false trail or indicate the same by a mark across the trail, is when you are worried that continuing in that direction may take the hounds onto another leg of your trail thus cutting out some of the run. 

⦁ If the last check has turned the pack onto a long, narrow path over which it is difficult to pass, or a steep, shiggy climb then your next check at the end of this section should be an especially good one designed to hold up the front runners until those who were doing the greatest amount of checking, and who missed the correct trail, have time to catch up again. Remember - at least six good checks which bring the whole pack back together during the run. 

⦁ Each trail should, subject to weather and time of year, include a little of everything - a little shiggy, open country, a little bush, and level paths. It should also include a hill, but it should not include every hill within a six kilometre radius. One good hill is quite sufficient. Any fool can knacker the hounds by taking them up every hill in sight, but it takes good recceing to include one good hill only; we are not a mountain climbing club any more than we are a running club. Main roads should be avoided at all times and no checks should be laid on or even close to a busy intersection. Quite apart from the obvious dangers of having the pack milling about the middle of a road there is the problem of hearing the pack Calling over the traffic noise. 

⦁ The last check on the run again should be a particularly good one bringing the pack together for ideally a good flat or down hill run-in over a distance of about a kilometre thus giving everybody a chance to stretch their legs. You may, if you wish, on the last sector of the run indicate "ON HOME" which means that each hound is now free to make his/her own way over whichever route is felt to be quickest to the beer, but for the benefit of those who are not familiar with the particular area you must maintain a correct trail to the ON ON site. 

Winter runs require special attention and care; the trail must be clear and conspicuous:

1. recce and/or set your run at 6:00pm 

2. minimal, if any rocky or precipitous terrain 

3. run length shorter than summer (35-50 min) 

4. good hot hash mash 

5. a site where we can have a good fire to keep warm?

After the run the hares are responsible for checking that all the hounds have returned. If any are still missing one hour after the others have returned the hare must organise search parties. Hares will also be responsible for ensuring that the area has been cleaned up prior to leaving. 

Remember trails, checks and false trails should all be designed to hold the pack together in a social run, NOT to create confusion and have hounds milling around for prolonged periods or strung out unnecessarily. Finally to all hounds, the hares will have taken considerable time and trouble to ensure that your run will be as enjoyable as possible. Do not spoil it by acting in an unhash-like manner while running. (Short cutting however  is an honourable activity although hares can lay trails in anticipation of this.} The calling by the hounds is important, and if necessary one should return along the trail until the next hound has been contacted. Although it is not mandatory,it is suggested that the hound who picks up the trail after a check should retum towards that check and ensure that the rest of the pack is also "ON". You should call each mark once you have established you are in fact "ON".  On hearing "ARE YOU(ON)?" give the appropriate reply i.e. 

"ON ON" When you are definitely ON. 

"ON HOME" after the ON HOME or ON IN marker.

"CHECKING" after a check (not "looking").

"CHECK BACK" when you've been led up a FALSE trail.

"LOOKING" when you have lost tral (not after a check).

At the ON ON after the run give due regard to the Grand Master and/or Religious Adviser et. al. particularly when run descriptions, down downs, introduction of new prints or mention of following events are being made The "RA" has ways of making you "Listen Up You Wankers" 

Good Hashing 


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